Cloning For Fun and Profit

Saving lives is different from creating them though. What gives someone the right to decide that it's better to be right handed or left handed, and pass that decisions onto the person they are creating in a test tube? The same thing that gives normal everyday idiots the right to breed like rabbits.

If people with no more intelligence than a rat on viagra have the right to go down to the local bar and screw the first thing on 2 legs that buys them a drink, then the folks who dedicate a good portion of their lives to the study of science should have the right to artificially create people in a lab. Who do you think will be a more productive citizen, the test tube baby, or the crack baby?

While most people would never suggest scraping a crack babies for it's useable parts, that's exactly what some folks think we should do with clones. The idea is to grow them without much of a brain, and then it wouldn't be any different than herding cattle. When someone needs a new heart, they can just send a clone to the butcher. The possibilities are endless; Not only could we save lives, but we could grow new limbs for amputees, or new livers for people who have drunk themselves into a stupor one too many times.

Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of The Clones
While all those mushy humanitarian causes are a good argument for cloning, there are many more, possibly better possibilities. It's quite possible that the government has already begun producing genetically engineered clones to serve in the military. Through cloning the perfect soldier could be created, and then duplicated infinitely. If technology were to somehow fail, we would still have all those great human killing machines to protect the country.