An Economical Approach
to Crime and Punishment

While attempting to formulate a solution to such a complex problem it is important to retain objective thinking. It is very easy to become emotional when considering a topic such as crime, and I would hypothesize that this emotion has resulted in the clouded judgment that has led us to our current treatment of criminals. Human rights are one of the most commonly debated factors in criminal justice. I am a religious man and do not enjoy the thought of another human being suffering. Yet, while it is noble to preserve and nurture the civility of mankind, the fact must be faced that the whole of mankind is not entirely civil. I have given the matter a great deal of consideration, and have come to the realization that this increasingly sympathetic treatment of criminals, brought about by the benevolent ideal of human rights, has undermined the effectiveness of our criminal justice system.

Deterrence being intangible and humane considerations being detrimental to effectiveness, the only truly important factor to acknowledge in criminal justice is economics. Obviously, no government can simply sit idle and let crime run rampant. If a government did nothing to enforce its laws, the government, along with the economy, would collapse. Therefore I have formulated a solution that will accommodate all those who disobey the law, yet remain cost effective and possibly even profitable.

In the days of my adolescence, before I discovered the glory of God and the teachings of Christ, I was a devotee of sports-entertainment. The violent content and popularity of so- called "professional wrestling" at the time of my vigilance was moderate when compared to the current standards. My research indicates, however, that in recent times the increasingly violent staged spectacle of men combating one another has gained elevated popularity, as well as profitability. A solution to the problem of crime elucidated when I noticed a book written by one of the more violent wrestling celebrities, and sporting a sticker that proclaimed its status as a number one best seller.