On Work

What follows after that would be the best parts: 1) The root of all evil (you people thought it was Satan, didn't you?) is no longer a plague of this world; 2) People would no longer whine incessantly about their "money problems" or obsessions with material goods; 3) We would (eventually) all again have to hunt and trade for our food, consequently re-balancing the food chain and the eco-system; and 4) Finally, we would actually have to work to stay alive. I don't mean work like a nine-to-five job, because there is no longer a point to that. I mean having to again interact with one another (as in talking, not email), and exercising our bodies by making and trading goods, and helping each other with the harvest, and living off the land. Hell, just living. Having a good time, without stacks and stacks of meaningless responsibilities to take care of. Enjoying Life.

Of course, I realize that this will probably never happen. Pointless jobs will always need filling, some lazy asshole will always want it done easier, and the world will keep on cha-chinging its way into oblivion. For this has been the way of the modern world for a good 150 years-- who cares that millions of people lived without money or secretaries for hundreds of thousands of years, and were as happy as friggin' clams? Until we all wake up and realize that our depression, our psychoses, our wars, and our fear are the end results of much of our "work," we will never truly be happy. So go blow up a building owned by a credit card company, or take up bow hunting, or milk a cow for your coffee creamer. Maybe you could get yourself fired, or shred important documents in the accounting room? Oh, wait, we're all lazy. I forgot. Well, at least get on all fours and make sheep noises until someone asks what the hell you're doing. And then hand them this paper. They'll understand eventually.