Manipulation 101

Manipulation is one of my favorite things to do, and since people need to do it to live an easier and more successful life, I thought I'd give a basis around which others can build their own manipulation techniques! I consider myself a good manipulator so I think you will learn quite a bit from my strategies to manipulate.

First I will start off with the basics:

1. Life is politics.

2. Just because you're not physically stronger than others that doesn't mean you can't control them!

3. Other people are your tools; they only exist for your amusement, pleasure, and gain.

4. You can't have morals and manipulate people successfully.

5. When in doubt, a corner, or just feeling like it LIE!

6. Never forget when someone owes you a favor!

7. For best results you must manipulate from the time you get up to the time you go to sleep.

8. Know when to be aggressive and when not to be.

Now how to start manipulating a person:

When manipulating a person tell them mostly what they want to hear. When your around that person act different, act like someone they can really trust and get along with, even if it's totally not you, do it anyway!

Always act very sincere; always act like you're telling them the absolute truth. In order to do this you must me a very good liar (see good lying 101 coming soon).

If someone finds out you're manipulating their friend and tries to stop you by telling their friend that you are manipulating them, you must then focus primarily on convincing the person (the one you were manipulating to begin with) that their friend is jealous of "our" relationship. If that doesn't work tell them a true story you know to discredit their friend or make one up, just make sure they can't easily disprove it.

To manipulate someone easily you must try to think like them and counter any faults in your plan that they may see or realize, like disproved lies or un-loyal tools. (The same tactic should be used against groups.)