Female Castration Will End Prostitution

As I have outlined above, laziness is the main link in this chain of degradation. Since women learn laziness from a never-ending cycle involving their mothers, there is no viable method of stopping it directly. The reason women choose prostitution over traditional work is because they enjoy sex, and therefore do not see it as work. So the only logical way to prevent women from becoming prostitutes is to prevent them from enjoying it. This can be accomplished by means of female castration.

It is a medical fact that removing the clitoris of a woman prevents her from feeling sexual pleasure. I propose that upon the third conviction of prostitution, all hookers will be taken to the nearest state hospital to have their clitoris removed. Once this is done the women will no longer feel pleasure from being a prostitute, and will finally find the motivation to learn a legitimate skill.

Many cultures throughout the world have used Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to tame the dubious nature of women. It is time that the United States joins the rest of the world, and harness the power of this simple medical procedure to end the horrifically sinful practice of prostitution in our great country.